Friday, August 10, 2007

Hello Cyberspace!

The saying "better late than never" seems to be appropriate in this case; July 2007 will forever be marked as the month when the Tinkerbell Learning School officially makes its debut in cyberspace. The internet is another altogether different frontier from outer space or the world's expanding (because of global warming) vast and unexplored oceans. It is a frontier where its expansion is driven by human knowledge, innovation and and imagination, and this is why it is attractive if not essential to the school in its continuing desire for educational excellence.

Not only is it a tool to expand our pupil's knowledge, but also stands as a forum where educational partners such as management and faculty and parents can thresh out issues and discussions relevant to furthering and improving education in general.

We've started out this entry into the internet using the popular blog platform which makes interaction and communication easy on both sides. We hope that not only parents, but also the general global cyberspace community would drop by and browse through the site and drop us a line or two; after all, education is a universal concern.

Hopefully and according to schedule, Tinkerbell Learning School would adopt its own domain name (easier to remember!) and a more expanded site which by then, should have evolved into something that all of us have helped shape and mold.

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